Natal KI
Natal KI
This analysis is based on the KI energy and the 5 elements. It is a study which is carried out from your date of birth (without needing to know your time of birth).
It will help you discover the energetic tendencies of your personality, your “psychic framework”.
This is your personal barcode.
Your personal portrait answers essential questions such as: Why? & How? - Why does this affect me so much? How can I react differently? Why me ? What can I do ?
Thanks to your personal analysis, you will obtain very useful information on your way of functioning, on your way of perceiving the world, on your way of being affected by stress.
It will allow you to discover what your personal challenges are. By understanding them you will be able to manage them more easily.
You will also learn what your mission is, knowing “that if you accept it” you will gain peace of mind since you will finally have the chance to truly express your potential.
Knowing ourself is the first step to take toward personal-evolution because, when you have the knowledge, you can choose to act instead of reacting.
We only truly become ourselves when we stop reacting and choose to act.
Fill out the order form below, mentioning your date of birth.
One portrait
- Your personal Natal KI portrait in pdf format
- Your trigram
- What helps to balance your energy & improve your life
- A private online meeting (after paiement) if you want.
Paiement only for getting acces to your portrait or during the consultation
Two portraits
- Two separate Personal Natal KI portrait in pdf format.
- Your trigrams
- What helps to balance your energy & improve your life
- A separate private online meeting (after paiement) if you want.
Paiement only for getting acces to your portraits or during the consultation