A synthesis of NLP and Yoga

"Between what I'm thinking, what I want to tell you,
what I think I'm telling you, what I'm really telling you
what you want to hear, what you really hear,
what you think I'm telling you, what you want to understand too
what you finally understood, there are at least nine chances that we don't understand each other."

~ Encyclopedia of relative and absolute knowledge ~
Bernard Werber

Getting a message across, providing clear guidance to your classes, and expressing what you really want is more complicated than it first appears.

“NLP for Yoga Teachers” is more than just a seminar on teaching techniques.

It is an essential training that takes you on a journey into the secret world of subconscious communication processes.

You will have the opportunity to learn techniques, tools and practice, so that your communication is a true reflection of yourself, what you want to express.
You will experience the undeniable benefits of "conscious" communication.
You will adopt communication management skill without losing.
You will understand how it works, so you will be able to predict how it will affect.
In addition, on a personal level, you will discover new aspects of yourself that will help you better define yourself as a teacher and as a person.

At the end of the journey you will see your connection with others in a different way and you will manage communication with mastery.

You will gain skills like:

1) Awareness of the influence of communication 2) Communication Management 3) Flexibility in communication, necessary in a situation of disagreement, misunderstanding and stress 4) Self-confidence 5) Mental Clarity. 



The Communication Model
Attitude is the basis
Everything is a choice
Teaching is multidimensional
The basic principles of communication
Verbal & non-verbal communication
The different stages of learning
The best conditions for learning and teaching in one classroom
And more…


To have attended a 200-hour yoga teacher training program


15 hours + 2 hours home work



Possibility of a payment plan

The trainings I offer you are In person and Online, so you will have the advantages of Online courses (flexibility, accessibility, reduced cost, etc.) without the disadvantages (isolation, lack of interaction, etc.).